Calathea Makoyana
Like the stained glass windows on a grand church, the Calathea Makoyana (Calathea makoyana), or Cathedral Windows Calathea, displays stunning leaves reminiscent of those beautiful glass art displays.
The Calathea Makoynana leaves are unique in color and pattern. The top of the leaf has a light, luminescent background with a darker border and pattern that mirrors the look of a branch with leaves. The bottom is tinted with a burgundy color that follows the same pattern as the top, only in burgundy. As the day unfolds, so do the leaves, which then close at night, giving it the common name of "prayer plant" as it mimics the act of praying.
Calathea can be more challenging to keep happy, and they require additional attention to maintain. They thrive in bright, indirect light with moist, well-draining soil. They prefer humidity and warmer temperatures. Plant yours in a stylish novelty pot, or have one of our staff plant it when you pick a pot to purchase with your Calathea.
The Cathedral Windows Calathea makes excellent gifts for the plant lover. Grab a card from our online collection, pick a fun pot, then we will plant it for you. Then, have our drivers deliver it for you.
Bright, Indirect Light
Recommended for homes with pets.